Can I make a quick start?

Well – only you can answer that (with the help of people around you that you trust). It depends how far-advanced your daughter’s addiction is and how quickly you can assemble your support team around you. Take into account your own state of physical and mental health.

Consider the steps outlined below carefully and only take this path if it feels right for you.

If you are convinced that taking a few actions quickly will work for you and your family then here is a suggested pathway:

  • However impatient you feel – remember this: you can’t do this on your own. Tough challenges lie ahead and you will need support. If you can afford a counsellor, that’s great. But you don’t have to go that route and you don’t have to spend money. What often works best is to have several people in your team. Your GP, a sensible neighbour or friend (especially if they have personal experience of addiction in their family); a sympathetic, non-judgemental uncle, aunt or grandparent. You can assemble your support team pretty quickly. They can act as your sounding-board and support you through your emotional and practical challenges.
  • Read about Self-care on the Recovery Toolbox introduction page and implement one or two of the suggestions there this week. (I’ll be writing posts on Self-Care in the weeks that follow).
  • Read the posts on Boundaries. Make sure you start with the one in  Plan of Action – The Basics /Boundaries. When you have read this post, click on the title of the next post about Boundaries and so on.
  • When you have understood Boundaries – have a go at putting one or two small boundaries in place next week, or when you feel comfortable doing so (Make sure you talk to everyone in the family about this first). Be warnedthere will be a reaction from anyone affected by the boundary you set.

And that is enough for now. By doing the above, you will have made an effective quick start. If possible, don’t burden yourself with high expectations about working swift miracles. It took time for this situation to come about – and so it will take time to turn things around.

But you have made a start. Congratulate yourself! And remember – this is One Day at a Time

The next post in this series is Preparation, Find Support and Gather Your Team