“…and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.” (Step 10)

Teamwork needs good communication.

Whatever situation you find yourself in as regards the other parent of your child (married/separated/divorced) – if there is still communication between you both, I don’t mind betting my bottom dollar that there’s room for improvement in that communication.

This was certainly my personal experience. Poor communication and avoidance of doing something about it, is just one of the things that happens to us all in amidst the stress and emotional hell that families go through with this illness.

Remember – it’s not our fault that this has happened. But we do have the option to step up and, however uncomfortable it may be, to work on the communication between the two of us as parents.

And if we can improve the communication between us, we are giving our child a much better chance of recovery. Some options are:

  • Some drugs counsellors also do counselling for couples.
  • Go to ‘Relate’ – there’s a branch in your county.
  • Gain insights by watching some videos by Tony and Sage Robbins on Relationships on You Tube .. They are very open about their own relationship and lighthearted in their  approach.
  • Try this one from Tony Robbins –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KfJXLRQhBk   And remember, anything that makes you think and re-examine an area of your life is worth taking a look at.

Top tip – the quote at the beginning of this post is a great exercise to practise within any relationship. It’s also really hard to do! If and when you feel like it, you could try it out – preferably when your partner is sitting down.  You might record in your Notebook how it feels when you move the goalposts in this way…

The next post in this series is Make Your Plan