What to do when we are downhearted because our Addict has had multiple relapses?

You may think this post doesn’t apply to you if your Addict is in her teens or twenties. She may have been through re-hab or be in rehab right now and you understandably may think that the job is done. I very much hope that this is the case, but it is as well to be prepared for a relapse. This can happen several times before someone who suffers from Addiction ‘gets it’. And before we get judgemental about this – have you ever been unable to resist a dessert, a second helping, one or two more drinks than were good for you? Say no more.

I have been talking to Sarah Graham ahead of our next Periscope Session on 1st March about this topic of Hope. What follows is Sarah’s wisdom from her years of experience in the field of Addiction…

The best thing we can do is to:

  • Keep Hope alive. Hold a candle of Hope in your heart and mind for your Addict. Tell her you believe in her. This will give her permission to hope herself which is vital, since Addicts can give up hope very quickly

We can also ensure that we take care of ourselves and remain as grounded as we possibly can (by practising the principles of self-care).

It is a fact that Addicts who go through re-hab several times can be strong and inspiring beacons of Hope for others who suffer from Addiction.

Recovery is a journey, not a destination.

Never give up.