OK – I recognise that I’m part of the problem. Where do I begin?

You begin by forgiving yourself.

This is vitally important and it may take some practice. What you and I are up against is the stigma attached to addiction. So society –and in many cases people who have been your friends – are highly judgemental towards people in our situation.

So I need you to forgive yourself, because that’s how you begin to open a doorway towards your recovery.

It’s also the first step towards forgiving your son.

Addiction is a form of bereavement. We are robbed of the person we once knew, because their behaviour has changed so deeply. And so we go through the stages of bereavement – one of which is anger. We blame and resent our son for the pain he has caused us.

While it’s natural to get angry at your son’s behaviour, it’s self-defeating to get stuck in anger and resentment. So let the anger go when you can – and forgive.

Forgiveness sets you free.